Many of us prefer working part-time jobs over full-time jobs as we may have to balance work with care-taking, attending school, and other priorities. Besides, the job market has numerous such opportunities with many companies looking for part-time employees.
Part-time work generally refers to the scheduling of the job and not the scope or duties involved. And, while retail businesses and warehouses take on the bulk of part-time workers, part-time positions are also available in other fields of teaching, nursing, accounting, and so on.
In this article, we look at how you can go about applying for a part-time job. We also provide you with tips that you should keep in mind during the application process. Read on to learn more.
How to Apply for a Part-Time Job
Applying for a part-time job is quite different from the regular application process because such jobs are usually not advertised.
You will personally have to approach the employer with your CV and references and ask them if a part-time position is available. Listed below are a few tips to keep in mind.
Draft an Impressive CV
You will need to invest some time in preparing an impressive CV. Websites like NovoResume and MySmartCV offer various CV templates that you can use to make your CV look neat and professional.
Make sure you include all your educational qualifications, related work experience, and achievements.
Write a Cover Letter
A cover letter is also essential and should always accompany your CV. In the cover letter, you can write about why you are interested in this particular job, and how your expertise can be of benefit to the company. You can also state the reason for wanting to take a part-time position.
Get References
The better your references, the better your chances of getting a job. Approach your previous employers, teachers, and colleagues for reference letters and keep them ready when applying for the part-time position.
You can also get references from organizations where you did voluntary and charity work.
Be Prepared to Fill Out an Application Form
When applying for any job, you are required to fill out an application form. So, you should always be ready with all the details that you may be asked to furnish. A good way to stay updated is to print out sample application forms and go through the questions.
Questions usually posed in application forms include names and dates of schools attended, names and addresses of previous employers, dates of previous employment, and so on. It’s best to keep all this information handy when filling out the application form.
Practice for an Interview
You can hold mock interviews with a friend or family member, so that you are all set for the real deal. Practice answers to various questions that you may be asked. Example questions are listed below.
- Tell me something about yourself
- Why are you interested in this job?
- Why do you think you are fit for this job?
Being prepared always helps as you never know when you might be led into an impromptu interview!
Dress Well for the Interview
Make sure you go well dressed for the interview. Smart casuals or a semi-formal outfit would be great to go with. Avoid wearing jeans and tank tops or short skirts and low necks. How smart and professional you look, will make the first impression on the employer!
The Bottom Line
Armed with a good CV, excellent references, well-dressed and well-prepared for the interview, you are sure to increase your chances of landing that part-time job. Always be on the lookout for companies hiring part-time employees and approach them with confidence!